Who are you guys?
We are pioneers at the forefront of advocating and promoting the interactions between the 2 dimensional and the 3 dimensional.
We pride ourselves as academic scholars of this culture that has spanned multiple generations, encompassing people of all races, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and personal backgrounds.
Seriously…Who are you guys?
What started as a semi-regular discord session turned into two idiots deciding to do an Anime and Manga podcast together…
What can possibly go wrong?
The Good Anime Palette Podcast, also known as The GAP Podcast, was founded by Jason Fung and William Wong in 2021.
The GAP Team Duo
Jason (AKA Fluffy-Sama)
My Anime and Manga interests cover a broad range of genres so I pretty much love anything that is good. The genres that I particularly love (in no particular order) are Horror, Shoujo, Science Fiction/Cyberpunk, and Yuri/GL.
The first "real" Anime that I watched was Serial Experiment Lain, then followed by Evangelion... so my start into Anime came from a rather dark and unique place. Since then, I have been watching Anime throughout my life and follow seasonal Anime rather closely. My favorite Anime series of all time is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and my favorite Anime film is A Silent Voice (It was the original Ghost in the Shell for the longest time though). My favorite Anime studios are Studio Trigger and Kyoto Animation.
William (AKA Edgelord-Sama)
My first exposure to Anime was Bible Black.