Episode 102: ASAP 9 (Wandance, Rooster Fighter, The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity, Kowloon Generic Romance)
When is there ever a time for the GAP Bros to gush about a manga about their hometown of Hong Kong? AND it is getting an Anime adaptation!? Oh, and they also spend time talking about the eventual Anime adaptations about dancers, roosters, and star-crossed lovers.

Episode 97: ASAP 8 (Sakamoto Days, The Summer Hikaru Died, Gachiakuta, Night of the Living Cat) (Copy)
The GAP Bros are back from their hiatus to welcome everyone into 2025! And what better way to ease everyone into the GAP 2025 hype train and introduce some of the best and most interesting Manga and Anime adaptations that are coming out this year!

Filling The GAP: Sony and Kadokawa, Sitting in a Tree... A-C-Q-U-I-S-I-T-I-O-N
In this impromptu episode, Jason and Will take a break, from their break, to break the news of possibly one of the biggest Anime/Manga (and Video Games?!) Industry corporate developments in recent memory!!!

Episode 95: Fall 2024 Has A Lot To Offer... And Too Little At The Same Time (feat. Dandadan, Blue Box, Uzumaki, And More!)
The Fall Anime Seasonals is always the busiest and most abundant time of the year. While this still rings true for Fall 2024, Jason and Will had to navigate the swarm of shows to bring you the Seasonals that you should be paying attention to.

After Dark 16: Look Back Review + One Shots Discussion + Opportunities in Anime/Manga
Right before the impending storm that is the Fall 2024 Anime Seasonals, Jason and Will take a step back to give their take on the movie Look Back, the viability of the One Shot Format, and how one could theoretically get into the Anime and Manga industry.

Episode 94: Studio MAPPA - The Glamor, The Greed, and The Gamble to NOT collapse like Studio Madhouse in The 2010s
In this episode, Jason and Will decides to do a deep dive about Studio MAPPA, the golden child of animation studios these days, how everything is not as wonderful as it appears to be, and how history has a habit of repeating itself.

Bits and Pieces 33: Sequel-itis is Messing With Our Fall 2024 Seasonal Forecast and Review
What started as an attempt for Jason and Will to give a quick hot take on the upcoming stacked Fall 2024 season devolved into a realization of how the most important Anime season of the calendar year might not be as inclusive as they once thought.

Episode 93: What Happens When A Series Switches Hands or Animation Studios?
Have you ever wondered why your favorite Anime would switch animation studios or companies? Why would a company sell off their licensing rights? Have no fear! Jason and Will is here to give you the deets on this unspoken facet of the Anime industry!

Episode 92: ASAP7 (The Darwin Incident, Blue Box, Nine The Starry Bride, Medalist)
From veganism, figure skating, to star crossed lovers and high school romance, the lineup for these soon-to-be Anime series may look eccentric at first blush, but Jason and Will is here to tell you that these 4 series are all worthy of your undivided attention!

Bits and Pieces 32: Reviewing Some Online How-To Guides For Getting Into Anime
With the amount of anime content and streaming services available, getting into the culture has never been easier. Or is it? From top 10 guides and flowcharts, to anime subreddits and even friend suggestions, let's explore the ways a complete beginner explores the world of anime.

Episode 91: Anime Iceberg 2: The Lost, The Banned, and The Canceled
In this episode, The Anime Iceberg makes its second appearance as Jason and Will talk at length about the demise of various Anime productions, from the well publicized examples to the most obscure (with trigger warnings to boot).

Episode 90: Gotta Watch 'Em All 10 (Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean, Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld)
The bizarre adventure and the underworld war ends here. Listen in as Jason and Will give their parting thoughts, then pack their bags to start another new journey on the long road.

Bits and Pieces 31: The Appeal and Aversion Towards Light Novels, Visual Novels, Video Games
There are always several avenues to consume the same property. Whether it is through Anime, Manga, Light Novels, or others. In this episode, Jason and Will discuss the potential reasons why one would prefer one adaptation over another.