Bits and Pieces 33: Sequel-itis is Messing With Our Fall 2024 Seasonal Forecast and Review
What started as an attempt for Jason and Will to give a quick hot take on the upcoming stacked Fall 2024 season devolved into a realization of how the most important Anime season of the calendar year might not be as inclusive as they once thought.

Bits and Pieces 32: Reviewing Some Online How-To Guides For Getting Into Anime
With the amount of anime content and streaming services available, getting into the culture has never been easier. Or is it? From top 10 guides and flowcharts, to anime subreddits and even friend suggestions, let's explore the ways a complete beginner explores the world of anime.

Bits and Pieces 31: The Appeal and Aversion Towards Light Novels, Visual Novels, Video Games
There are always several avenues to consume the same property. Whether it is through Anime, Manga, Light Novels, or others. In this episode, Jason and Will discuss the potential reasons why one would prefer one adaptation over another.

Bits and Pieces 30: A Creative Writer's Perspective on Manga, Story Crafting, and Bokurano (feat. Vishal Nanda)
We're changing things up with our latest Bits and Pieces episode by welcoming our very first GAP Podcast guest - writer, poet, and good friend Vishal Nanda! We spent hours talking about anime and manga tropes, overcoming writer's block, tabletop RPGs, and why Bokurano exists for no other reason but to torture everyone.

Bits and Pieces 29: An Off The Cuff Tangent About Anime/Manga Spin-Offs
There is always an Anime or Manga series that we adore and want more of… but is a spin-off series a good use of resources? Or is it just a waste of time that should be spent on making the next entry in any given series?

Bits and Pieces 28: Mastering the Skill of Anime Recommendations
Navigating the vast anime databases in search of that "perfect" anime can be a fruitless endeavor, so we resort to using the ultimate technique - using genre tags and asking random strangers on the internet for recommendations.

Bits and Pieces 27: What is the Point of Live-Action Adaptations of Anime/Manga?!
Terrible live-action adaptations of Anime/Manga have been a long-running meme in the weebdom. However, recently there seem to be more success cases than duds… but do these adaptations serve a genuine purpose?

Bits and Pieces 26: The (Controversial) Method to Fixing Bad 3D CGI in 2D Anime
Bad 3D in 2D Anime has always been a big issue that is usually due to an animation studio’s limitations or circumstances… but is there a way to vastly improve 3D usage without much cost? Jason thinks so.

Bits and Pieces 25: So... What Exactly is The Point of Wit Studio's The One Piece Reboot?
in this episode, the GAP Bros discuss that if you combine Netflix, One Piece, Wit Studio, and news of an unprecedented remake into a pot… would it be awesome or another dud?

Bits and Pieces 24: An Honest Discussion on How Everyone Consumes Anime/Manga
In this Bits and Pieces bonus episode, Jason and Will discuss that it is not about watching Anime or reading Manga the “right” way, but having the right mindset when one consumes it.

Bits and Pieces 23: In Opposition and In Defense of Anime/Manga Nostalgia
“Out With the Old, in With the New”… Is this a naive mindset? Or is it just the natural order of things?

Bits and Pieces 22: How to (or How NOT to) Begin and End an Anime Cour/Series
Every beginning has an ending, and every ending starts with a beginning. However, what is less of a certainty is how good these beginnings and endings are.

Bits and Pieces 21: Factors Influencing Our Enjoyment/Appreciation of an Anime/Manga
We all want to give any Anime or Manga series a fair shake… but what if I told you this noble goal is often doomed from the very start?

Bits and Pieces 20: Anime Fatigue/Burnout And How Our IRL Age Can Affect It
We love Anime. You love Anime. However, nothing lasts forever, right?

Bits and Pieces 19: HOT TAKE - Anime Merch Is Not Worth It, Except...
What started out as a catch-up about Will’s trip to Japan divulged into a review on Anime branded junk food (in audio format), followed by a discussion about the benefits and profitability of Anime merchandise.

Bits and Pieces 18: Are We Running Out of Ideas for Anime and Manga Genres?
Sure, we all love reading and watching Shonen action and isekai manga and anime, but what else does the industry have to offer in terms of other genres and themes?

Bits and Pieces 17: Anime and Manga That Holds Personal Attachment
We love Anime and Manga. But there are some that hold personal significance and attachment regardless of their popularity, acclaim, or mediocrity. Here are some of the Anime and Manga that meant a lot to Jason and Will on a personal level.

Bits and Pieces 16: Time Spent and Choices made for “B-Tier” and “Top Tier” Anime/Manga
Time is finite, but the amount of Anime/Manga is infinite. What does one do when faced with the plight of how to spend your time to get the most out of your watching/reading moments?

Bits and Pieces 15: The Use and Ethics of AI and Its Impact On Anime/Manga
AI are all the rage these days with ChatGPT making a huge splash into the pop culture scene. But does this have anything to do with Anime and Manga?