Frequently Asked Questions
So what does this specific GAP term mean? What are these “episodic formats”? What are these “rules” you guys keep mentioning?
Glad you asked! Here is a glossary/rules page.
How often do podcast episodes come out?
Currently, we want to release three episodes per month; 2 EPs and 1 AD/BP.
EPs, which are out official numbered episodes, is released every 2 weeks . These are our main official episodes where we cover one main discussion topic. We aim to have most EP episodes be around 1.5-2 hours in length.
After Dark episodes (ADs) are usually reserved for list based or spoiler-filled discussions that are very honed in on a particular person or series of interest.
Bits and Pieces (BPs) are episodes that are extremely casual and impromptu discussions where we talk about something that are on our minds regarding the Anime and Manga industry. These topics are usually critiqing a trend or social construct in the industry (along with our takes on said issue).
Can I request a topic?
Of course! Just send us an email (gapalette@gmail.com) or find us on Twitter (@PaletteGood).
Why do you use the word ‘Palette’ for GAP and not ‘Palate’?
Jason: So here’s the thing…When we were thinking of names to call the podcast, we thought that the use of Palette/Palate was very apt; Anime is an expressive art form (hence the Palette part) and also we are talking about our tastes regarding Anime as a medium (hence the Palate part). Since both of these words produce the same exact sound, it made this idea all the more enticing. At that point, we were debating which word to be used, and we ended up flipping a coin because we couldn’t decide. So if you wanted GAP to be named ‘Good Anime Palate’ instead, blame lady luck and not us… and now that we registered a whole bunch of stuff using ‘Palette’ instead of ‘Palate’, we do not have a reverse UNO card, it is now set in stone. Sorry, not sorry.
Will: Lol, palate or palette I don't care, Anime is good…baka.
How did Will become the Edgelord that he is now?
Who knows?